Circular Economy
Circular ‘mining’ reaches for the mainstream
Digging in: New initiatives aimed at “mining” materials from products already in circulation and out of the waste streams help cut extraction of natural resources. Read More
Why is composting so hard in the United States?
Just 27 percent of people in the United States has access to some form of composting service. Read More
6 stops on the roadmap to net zero emissions for the apparel sector
These actions can deliver 60 percent of the emissions reductions needed for the industry to stay in line with the Paris Agreement. Read More
How Waste Metering Powers Environmental And Financial Responsibility
We know that you can’t manage what you don’t measure. As such, metering utilities like gas, water and electricity has been standard practice for decades. Waste, on the other hand, remains out of sight and out of mind for most businesses with no way to accurately and consistently measure how much waste is actually being produced. For far too long, businesses have been estimating their waste production volumes by making a longstanding but flawed assumption: that their dumpsters are actually full when they’re picked up. But they’re not. Read More
Confronting the reality of inequitable access to recycling
Will investing in research, infrastructure and training improve the system? Read More
21 solutions to make our economy more circular
Instead of producing more things, we must maximize the use of existing ones. Read More
Kroger and Loop bring first US in-store reuse pilot to Portland
The companies launched the first Loop retail service in the US with a six-month pilot this week in Fred Meyer stores. Read More
Meet the entrepreneur turning Israel’s trash into somebody’s dash
Fueled by a recent infusion of $170 million, alternative plastics maker UBQ Materials is building its first international facility in Europe and has set its sights on the United States. Read More
Seizing the value of fallen trees
How circular economics for wood waste can grow in New York City; Pittsburgh and Eugene, Oregon. Read More
What needs to change to build a true circular economy
To mitigate the worst impacts of climate change we’ll need to build a circular economy and rethink how we make and use things. Read More