Reckitt Benckiser achieves 2020 carbon goal eight years early

The consumer goods manufacturer says it has achieved a 21% improvement in lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions per dose since 2007, beating its goal for 2020 Read More

Virgin and Strauss team up on water purification

Virgin teams up with Strauss to sell home water-purification systems in the U.K. Can it tap into the flood of demand for consumer water purification? Read More

Ecolabeling and the power of uncommon collaborations

There is a growing body of evidence showing that sustainability certification is spawning far-reaching changes in production and land use practices, supply chains and in the way businesses operate. Read More

Swag, cash or kudos: The best rewards of employee engagement

A survey of the different types of rewards and best practices that inspire employees to support company sustainability programs. Read More

Intel slashes emissions, but misses water and waste targets

Intel soundly beat its greenhouse-gas emissions goals, but missed several other targets: It consumes more water and creates more chemical waste than previously, instead of less. Are its new goals more realistic? Read More

What is the media's 'brainprint' for sustainability?

The Global Reporting Initiative has recently come out with comprehensive guidelines on sustainability in the media industry, but will major media companies adopt key measures?   Read More

Whole Foods stops selling unsustainable seafood

Whole Foods recently became the first major North American retailer to stop selling red-listed seafood. That means no more gray sole, skate, trawl-caught Atlantic cod and other species. Read More

Why city mayors are a sustainability director's new best friends

There are three reasons why mayors -- who have both real power and real accountability -- should be at the top of the list of partners for companies driving sustainable growth. Read More

Shelby Clark & RelayRides: Car sharing by and for the people

The CEO of the car-sharing company RelayRides discusses the collaborative consumption economy, partnering with GM, and just what it means to share your car with strangers. Read More

Leaner, faster, greener: Nike's new supply chain goals

A top Nike official says the signals for greater sustainability are getting "louder and louder" across the company's supply chain and the industry as a whole. Read More