21 on Twitter: The Big Green leaders
To keep on top of what activists and NGOs are targeting today, add these power players to your Twitter feed. Read More

Whether activists are friends, frenemies or outright foes of your company, you need to keep up with their campaigns. Don’t wait for your PR guru to alert
you when whispers about your brand become shouts on social media; follow these NGO leaders directly on Twitter.
Here are 21 heads of Big Green groups as well as the groups they lead, in random order.
Links to the Twitter accounts for their organizations are included as well. While we’re on the topic, check out our new Big Green series of interviews with them.
For more folks to follow, try our list of GreenBiz corporate sustainability Twitterati. Please
email us with suggestions
for other must-know names to follow in the world of corporate sustainability.
Klout scores appear for the individuals below, or for an organization if its leader is inactive on Twitter. Note that most of these organizations’ Twitter accounts have higher Klout scores than their leaders’ do.
1. Jamie Rappaport Clark, president, Defenders of Wildlife
Klout score: 48
Voters know we don’t have to choose between jobs & #wildlife. Tell Congress to protect the ESA http://t.co/rq2MYiObSy #GreenUpCongress
— Jamie RappaportClark (@JClarkprez) July 7, 2015
2. Fred Krupp, president, Environmental Defense Fund
Klout score: 53
Neat stats showing last 2 years #cleanenergy companies have higher ROI http://t.co/wF2dQ7gXDk via @matthew_winkler
— Fred Krupp (@FredKrupp) July 8, 2015
3. Annie Leonard, executive director, Greenpeace USA
GreenBiz Senior Writer Heather Clancy checked in with Leonard when she took the helm. Klout score: 58
The Pope Tweets! Who knew?? Here are 63 tweets on climate change from amazing Pope Francis. http://t.co/bW45yzNXTT
— Annie Leonard (@AnnieMLeonard) July 7, 2015
4. David Yarnold, president and CEO, Audubon Society
Klout score: 47
Now restoration can begin in earnest. It’s time to heal the wounds that #BP tore in Gulf ecosystems and communities. https://t.co/RUUcRCNyBE
— David Yarnold (@david_yarnold) July 2, 2015
5. Collin O’Mara, president and CEO, National Wildlife Federation
Klout score: 50
As many of you know, I’ve spent a lot of time in Louisiana and the Gulf over the past year seeing the aftermath… http://t.co/lOYTaSoaty
— Collin O’Mara (@Collin_OMara) July 2, 2015
6. Peter Lehner, executive director, Natural Resources Defense Council
Klout score: 50
I’m helping @USFWSHQ pulverize a ton of ivory that should have been on live elephants, not made into trinkets. pic.twitter.com/LgMENpCZ0p
— Peter Lehner (@p_lehner) June 19, 2015
7. Mark Tercek, president and CEO, The Nature Conservancy
Tercek explained the desire for “truly transformative assignments” to GreenBiz recently. Klout score: 66
“Can impact investments save the environment?” It certainly can help. http://t.co/DUWhtIHsXr #GrnBz via @GreenBiz
— Mark Tercek (@MarkTercek) July 8, 2015
8. Michael Brune, executive director, Sierra Club
Klout score: 63
In the Arctic Refuge I filled a bottle with water from a melting iceberg. Came home, poured it into… https://t.co/werxhanisY
— Michael Brune (@bruneski) July 5, 2015
9. Jamie Williams, president, The Wilderness Society
Klout score: 37
To #ActOnClimate, we must shift how energy is developed on #publiclands http://t.co/Bcm6LU7J7U via @Wilderness @NRDC @Defenders
— Jamie Williams (@JWilliamsTWS) June 24, 2015
10. Carter Roberts, president and CEO, World Wildlife Fund
”We don’t just want to produce a big report and be done with it,” Roberts told GreenBiz in February. Klout score: 49
not clear when I started collecting working paddles from my travels. Impossible to bring home in my… https://t.co/S6ec6QIEcf
— Carter Roberts (@Carter_Roberts) June 29, 2015
11. Peter Seligmann; founder, chairman and CEO; Conservation International
Seligmann shared his disdain for corporate “pirates” in this GreenBiz interview. Klout score: 41
Mother’s Day should be earth day. We don’t remember why farmers, mothers, families celebrate all Mother Nature provides.
— Peter Seligmann (@peter_seligmann) May 11, 2015
12. Andrew Steer, president and CEO, World Resources Institute
Klout score: 46
We can close up to 96% of #emissions gap with actions that benefit the economy #NCE2015 http://t.co/gBWTS4WyPJ pic.twitter.com/YI7qlNwIqI
— Andrew Steer (@AndrewSteerWRI) July 7, 2015
13. Erich Pica, president, Friends of the Earth
Klout score: 49
Truth or Lies? New @foe_us report on how agribiz front groups attack #organic, target moms w/ PR spin: http://t.co/gzm6Ns8YYu #foodPRwatch
— Erich Pica (@erichpica) June 30, 2015
14. Ken Cook, president, Environmental Working Group
Klout score: 49
Asbestos warning for children: Cancer causing substance found in crayons and toys http://t.co/4Huz4NoUJS via @MailOnline
— Ken Cook (@EWGPrez) July 9, 2015
15. Cristián Samper, president, Wildlife Conservation Society
Klout score: 48
BREAKING: Mozambique joins the club of nations destroying ivory. @WCSMozambique @AlastairNWCS http://t.co/y1Dypkn9RQ pic.twitter.com/eTIQsTOk8S
— WCS (@TheWCS) July 6, 2015
16. Andreas Merkl, CEO, Ocean Conservancy
Klout score: 64
Happy #WorldOceansDay pic.twitter.com/cxS5NOkZRj
— Andreas Merkl (@AndreasMerkl) June 8, 2015
17. Andrew Sharpless, CEO, Oceana
Klout score: 54
Climate change, ocean acidification & overfishing – #seafood is set to change: http://t.co/2DcVVhbeD6 via @ubcscience pic.twitter.com/jKvPhUly1T
— Andy Sharpless (@Oceana_Andy) July 9, 2015
18. Trip Van Noppen, president, Earthjustice
Van Noppen doesn’t appear to use an individual account on Twitter. Klout score for Earthjustice: 81
Rainforest fire in #Washington may be ominous sign>> http://t.co/7E8jj5wmHi #climatechange #drought pic.twitter.com/o1U5MNUCva
— Earthjustice (@Earthjustice) July 9, 2015
19. Kathleen Rest, executive director, Union of Concerned Scientists
Rest doesn’t appear to use individual account on Twitter. Klout score for the UCSUSA: 70
It’s time to hold fossil fuel corporations accountable for distorting #climate science and blocking action: http://t.co/SiZCP2by5A
— Concerned Scientists (@UCSUSA) July 8, 2015
20. Tensie Whelan, president, Rainforest Alliance
Whelan doesn’t appear to use an individual account on Twitter. Klout score for RA: 83
Connecting the recent #palmoil uproar with the bigger #sustainability picture: http://t.co/XMQ1rPT4Nr pic.twitter.com/Bom03JByx3
— Rainforest Alliance (@RnfrstAlliance) July 9, 2015
21. Jules Kortenhorst, CEO, Rocky Mountain Institute
Klout score: 41
Five Lessons the Buildings Industry Can Learn From the Wearable Tracker Craze http://t.co/i85rK2mWJ7
— Rocky Mountain Inst (@RockyMtnInst) July 8, 2015