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The Art of Bumming Money for Green Projects from Uncle Sam

Obtaining financing for any project can be a challenge and securing it for a green building project has its own set of hurdles. Part 3 of Shari Shapiro's green financing series focuses on government incentives, which she warns could soon move from being rare birds to endangered species among financing mechanisms. Read More

(Updated on July 24, 2024)

In Part 3 of my green finance series (Part 1 is Top 10 Rules of Green Finance and Part 2 is Alternative Green Financing Mechanisms), I will address government incentives and other programs. I will also highlight some factors that may make green incentives go from rare bird to endangered species. 

As always, I am not a finance professional, and the goal of these posts is simply to give a high-level overview of government incentives. As with all financial decisions, please consult your financial professional and attorney for advice specific to your project. 

The Good News About Government Incentives

  1. Programs are available at almost all levels of government — The federal government offers grants, tax breaks, loan guarantees and technical assistance for green building and renewable energy components of commercial, residential and industrial projects. The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy has a pretty user friendly site. States also run incentive programs, and many states have renewable energy credit trading programs (also known as RECs or green tags or SRECs, etc.), which enable producers of renewable energy to get an extra stream of income from their property. For special groups, like Native American tribes and veterans, additional resources are available.
  2. Some programs come from unusual sources — Not all green building and renewable energy incentives come from government. Utilities sponsor a lot of programs for both commercial and residential projects (for example, see the programs available from PECO here). Some nonprofits and even faith-based organizations are providing green incentives. A loyal Twitter follower highlighted this program by the Jewish Free Loan Association (available to those of any faith) that provides interest free loans of up to $5,000 for energy efficient upgrades for homes and small businesses in the Los Angeles area.
  3. Don’t neglect technical assistance programs — One of the most underutilized incentive is technical assistance. Of course, homeowners and businesses can access technical assistance programs. Municipalities, small businesses and Native American tribes also can get thousands of dollars in technical assistance for free or reduced cost. For example, in New York Con Edison provides small businesses with a free energy audit. This can ensure you maximize the benefit of your green project both environmentally and financially. 

And The Bad News…

1. The new House is seeking to cut almost all federal green incentives — According to Green Building Chronicle, the Republican Study Group, made up of more than 100 GOP House members, is targeting the wholesale elimination of funding for:

  • Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization, $530 million annually;
  • EPA’s Energy Star Program, $52 million annually; and
  • Federal office space acquisitions (which have helped the government build a market for LEED-certified buildings), $864 million annually.

Just to be clear, in a bill seeking $2.5 TRILLION in cuts, these reductions would account for .14 percent of the savings.

  1. States and municipalities are strapped for cash — Like the federal government, states and municipalities are strapped for cash, and may cut their green incentives to provide things like trash pick up and police.  
  2. Some programs are not worth the effort to apply — All programs require paperwork, verification and in some cases, prevailing wage rates. Sometimes the benefit is not worth the hassle.  
  3. Some programs reward green bling rather than cost effective green improvements — Some programs reward the installation of renewable energy components or other “green bling” as opposed to better insulation or new windows. It is key to do a cost benefit analysis of any proposed green project to ensure that it has the greatest return on investment.

For more information, the DSIRE database of federal and state renewable energy and energy efficiency programs is always useful, and be sure to check your state and local environmental departments and local utilities.he original version of this post appeared on the Green Building Law Blog and is reprinted with permission.

The original version of this post appeared on the Green Building Law Blog and is reprinted with permission.

Photo illustration elements by James Montgomery Flagg  via Wikimedia Commons and CC licensed by Flickr user AComment

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