3 ways for companies to protect water resources and save money

Recent reports find that not enough businesses are taking steps to conserve and mitigate risk. Learn from Cisco, Autodesk and new research on what to do to save water and improve financial performance. Read More

5 lessons on how to tackle toxics from DuPont, 3M and H&M

What they learned in the process to eliminate PFCs taught these companies how to navigate the process from a business standpoint, with consumers and with the media. Read More

To ban or to tax? 'Tis the question for plastic bag legislation

When it comes to plastic bag legislation, which type is better for the environment, and which do retailers prefer? Read More

Levi's makes life-cycle assessment part of its fabric

Companies like Levi Strauss, Nike, Kraft Foods and Cannon are taking LCA out of the sustainability silos and into the design rooms by using LCA tools to make daily design decisions. Read More

Forget the paperless office: Here's how to get a less-paper office

The paperless office remains a myth. But in the last five years, offices actually have started using less paper and reaping the savings. Here are some tips for creating an effective "less paper" strategy. Read More