What off-grid countries can teach us about clean power

10Power, Sigora Haiti and Greenlight Planet offer lessons from bringing electricity to Haiti, India and sub-Saharan Africa. Read More

Bill Gates' $14 million sees a future in low-carbon plastics

Since the billionaire launched the Breakthrough Energy Coalition last year, you've heard little about his low-carbon investments, until today. Read More

Cargill's Jill Kolling on the Midwest Row Crop Collaborative

The ag giant is teaming up with PepsiCo, Kellogg, General Mills, Monsanto and Walmart. Here's why. Read More

PepsiCo, Cargill, General Mills, others form row crop collaborative for sustainability

They join Kellogg, Walmart, Monsanto and three environmental conservation organizations to support sustainable farming practices on the corn, soy and wheat fields of the Midwest. Read More

Institutional investors to Big Food: Come clean on water risks

Kraft Heinz, Dean Foods, Tyson Foods, Monster Beverage, Fresh Del Monte Produce and 10 other large companies were taken to task for poor water management and disclosure practices. Read More

Arby's serves up its first CSR report; here's the beef

The fast food sandwich chain, under new management since 2013, talks about its efforts to conserve energy and water and contribute to hunger relief, as it dips a toe into corporate social responsibility reporting. Read More

Coca-Cola and its bottlers 'replenish' all the water they use

Can the beverage giant really have a zero water footprint? Read More

AMD and chip-makers' efforts to create energy-efficient microchips

Amid growing awareness of the huge energy appetite of computer processing and particularly high end graphics, computer chip-maker AMD releases a more energy efficient chip — and a study to prove it. Read More

From Kellogg's to Unilever, a quiet revolution in sustainable farming

Midwest row crops, including corn for cereal and soybeans in mayonnaise, are increasingly farmed sustainably. Read More

It's rush hour for urban electric buses

There's an all out push to get more zero emissions buses into the urban core. Along with government incentives, electric bus maker Proterra has opened its patents for transit EV charging stations. Read More