The resourceful city: Taking a circular approach to resources
Taking a look at Lansink's waste hierarchy and the circular economy to challenge the 2,000-year-old method of using landfills for waste disposal. Read More
What artificial intelligence means for sustainability
It’s hard to open a newspaper these days without encountering an article on the arrival of artificial intelligence. Predictions about the potential of this new technology are everywhere. Read More
The economics of the urban climate change revolution
An urban climate change revolution is happening around us, with cities all over the world making real progress on reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. What's motivating cities to act on climate change? Read More
Why Water is the Sharp End of the Climate Change Stick
We are increasingly attuned to the links between climate change and water. Too much and a city floods; too little and a city dries up. Read More
How Climate Change is Already Affecting the World's Major Cities
More heat waves and stronger storms are among the climate change risks being experienced by city governments across the world. Read More