Hell and polluted water: what holistic water management can do

How the 'One Water' movement is successfully leveraging new practices to improve the health, and wealth, of cities and businesses. Read More

Treating wastewater wastes energy, but it doesn't have to

Around the world, the industry is experimenting with new technologies. Here's the low-down on some of them. Read More

Our water systems are a disaster — how can we change that?

In the wake of the Flint crisis, communities turn to innovative technology and financing to prevent the next crisis. Read More

CH2M and IBM have a fix for our water systems disaster

In the wake of the Flint crisis, communities turn to innovative technology and financing to prevent the next crisis. Read More

Water in the bank: A possible solution to California's water crisis

Arizona has used groundwater banking as a hedge aginst future water shortages. Should California embrace similar measures to mitigate its drought? Read More