Home Depot's Eco Options, Six Months In
(Episode 9): Ron Jarvis, Home Depot's vice president of Environmental Innovations, sat down with GreenBiz's Joel Makower to discuss the progress made and lessons learned during the first half-year of the retail giant's project to promote eco-friendly products. Read More
What's Behind the Green Consumer Research?
I've seen enough research data on Americans' green buying habits over nearly twenty years that I've become immune to much of it. It's not that I think such research is shoddy; it's just that I've found consumers' credibility on the issue wanting, as I've noted in several . . . previous . . . posts. Read More
A tale of two circles
What's commonly referred to as municipal solid waste is only a small slice of the waste pie. And that could be a problem for companies. Read More
Coke's Message in a Bottle
The Coca-Cola Company's announcement last week that it had set a goal "to recycle or reuse all the plastic bottles we use in the U.S. market," and invest $60 million in a recycling plant, was a bold, even audacious move, one sure to give the company a new green sheen. Sure enough, the announcement got the endorsement of the National Recycling Coalition, the industry-friendly group of recycling advocates. Read More
Green Consumers and the Mushiness Index
The latest study of Americans' green passions is fascinating reading, if you want a glimpse into Americans' green turn-ons and turn-offs, and maddening, if you are trying to figure out how to sell into this unruly market space. Read More
Milton Friedman and the social responsibility of business
The most provocative statement of the past half-century on the role of business in society came in an essay in the New York Times, written by a fellow named Friedman. That's Milton, not Thomas. Read More
What Timberland's New 'Nutritional Label' Really Reveals
The footwear and apparel maker's self-described "nutritional label" outlining the environmental and community impacts of its products has given columnist Joel Makower something to chew on. Read More
The Dalai Lama's shoes
Dharamsala, India —There's one final story to tell before we depart Dharamsala. It's not related to anything environmental. It's about the Dalai Lama's shoes. Read More
Insurance and Climate Change: A Matter of Policy
If government policies won't lead to aggressive action on climate change, maybe the insurance industry will. Read More
'ecomagination': Inside GE’s Power Play
Why GE's new "ecomagination" initiative may provide a model for how a company can strike out as an environmental leader in today's cynical marketplace. By Joel Makower Read More