How to Maximize the Performance of Ecolabels

Certifications developed by nonprofit groups may be more stringent and set a higher bar than industry-led or for-profit ecolabels, but they don't always lead to the greatest impact. Here's how to make the most of any certification system. Read More

Are There Too Many Eco-Labels and Green Ratings?

As a society, we love choices -- but with more than 300 green certifications and labels on the market, and more lining up every year, the system has gotten a bit out of control. Read More

The Value of Rewarding Consumers Who Make Green Choices

Most mainstream consumers are not willing to sacrifice price, performance and/or quality to buy more sustainable products. But what if we could completely shift consumer’s environmental habits by providing monetary rewards for doing the right thing? Read More

The War Over Eco-Labels

If you have walked the aisles of your favorite retailer recently, you may have noticed that the number of environmental claims and eco-labels continues to increase. From self-declared, manufacturer-invented eco-labels to third-party labels, there is no lack of variety. In the eco-label industry, there is a constant battle over which type of label is best. Read More