Is There a Leaner Way to Footprint?

Measuring and communicating the carbon footprint of consumer goods is a resource-intensive effort that may be doomed to fail. But lean manufacturing process, already widely adopted and respected, hint at what might be done with the carbon footprint concept. Read More

3 Ways to Get Ahead of Climate Change, Without Ditching Oil (Yet)

Despite the painfully slow progress on a global transition to clean energy, there are three relatively simple ideas that, if widely implemented, could offset a big chunk of fossil fuel emissions and buy us time while we shift to clean energy. Read More

Climate Change and the Consumption Trap

After more than two decades of talking about sustainable consumption -- and in spite of advances in resource efficiencies and renewable energy -- we are not all that much closer to consuming sustainably. Read More

The Hidden Costs of Comparative Advantage

The principle of comparative advantage works well in an ideal world where trade incurs no human or environmental costs. But in the real world someone has to ultimately bear every cost, whether it is part of the accounting or not. By Kumar Venkat Read More

Free Trade: Benefit or Peril for the Environment?

Columnist Kumar Venkat explores a new approach to the debate. Read More