Man vs. machine: A tale of two sustainability ratings systems

Who can better assess companies' sustainability performance: artificial intelligence or really smart analysts? The race is on. Read More

The new normal in sustainable investing post-COVID-19

The time has passed for small commitments, hyperbole and delays in embracing sustainable investing. Read More

A tale of two companies: Tesla, Ford and the need for long-term plans

How can we tell now if Tesla, Ford or any company is ‘future-fit’ when they don't publicly disclose their long-term plans? Read More

Why the world’s largest asset managers are pushing long-term thinking

BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard, which control more than $11 trillion in assets, are encouraging more regular disclosure of corporate governance practices. Read More

Here's help with solving the new 'sustainability math'

Aim to lead? Here's what you need to know about sustainability standards and ROI, from the manager of the Global Institute for Sustainability Ratings. Read More

BP's Moment of Truth

The Gulf oil spill is now at least three times the amount of the 11-million-gallon Exxon Valdez spill in 1989. How BP handles the catastrophe will be the true measure of the company -- and a sign of whether the industry has learned from the disaster 21 years ago.   Read More