Amazing Race: E-Waste Violators' Best Friend
Fans of the TV series Amazing Race were treated to a disturbing and disheartening spectacle Sunday night, as competitors used cutters, hammers, screwdrivers, and their bare hands to tear apart electronics, throw them haphazardly into piles, exposing themselves, onlookers, and the environment to dangerous toxins. All this in the name of supposed recycling. Perhaps the show should be renamed Amazing Waste? Read More
Apple: We're Coming Clean on the True Cost of Green
Plenty of technology and IT vendors tell you they're the greenest companies on the planet. Apple, though, recently updated its Web site to reveal in great detail exactly where its greenhouse emissions come from --- and to provide information about the the environmental impacts of its products. Read More
Get Ready for Green IT 2.0
By now, most IT pros are familiar with Green IT technologies such as virtualization, and more efficiently cooling data centers. But consultants say that a new wave of Green IT technologies are on the way --- call it Green IT 2.0. Read More
Four Ways to Hack the Smart Grid
Worried about the security of the Smart Grid? You should be. Security researchers warn that the Smart Grid could become a hacker's playground. As proof, here are four ways the Smart Grid can be hacked. Read More
Is Gmail the World's Greenest Email?
Google's efforts to make its data centers as energy efficient as possible have some arguing that Gmail is the greenest of them all. Read More
Green IT's New Frontier: "Power-Capping" the Data Center
Looking to get the most energy savings out of your data center? The newest technique, called "power-capping," may be your answer, even though at first blush it sounds like a very scary proposition. Read More
Is Linux the Greenest Operating System?
Microsoft and Apple have been in the forefront of efforts to green IT and computing in general -- and, of course, letting the world know about their efforts. But one columnist believes that Linux is the greenest operating system of all. I've got details in my blog. Read More
Was the Chinese-Russian Power Grid Hack a Hoax?
Last week, the big news was that Chinese, Russian, and other hackers had invaded the U.S. power grid, and planted malware that could shut it down. But some commentators are saying that in fact, it may not have happened, and that it's all a bit of political theater performed as part of a cybersecurity power play by political insiders. Read More
Think You Know Green IT? Take This Pop Quiz and Find Out
Think you're up to speed on Green IT and green computing? Here's a chance to test just how much you really know. Answer the following ten questions and then rate yourself from Know-Nothing to Maven. Read More
Will Your Data Center Have to Pay a Carbon Tax?
One of the centerpieces of President-elect Obama's energey plan is a cap-and-trade program designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050. That means that enterprise may eventually have a cap put on the amount of greenhouse gases they emit, and would have to pay if they wanted to exceed those emissions. Would that mean you'll have to pay what amounts to a carbon tax for an inefficient data center? Read More