Aveda Launches Nationwide Bottle Cap Recycling Program
Beauty products company Aveda is taking its bottle cap recycling program nationwide, collecting plastic bottle caps to turn into new caps. Read More
Aveda, maker of hair care and beauty products, will collect plastic bottle caps nationwide to recycle into new items.
The company’s Recycle Caps with Aveda program will collect caps through Aveda stores, beauty salons and schools.
Aveda is collecting any hard plastic bottle tops, which it will ship to its recycler to be broken down and re-molded into new caps and containers.
The company started is recycling program by first collecting caps from employees and their families, which will be made into tops for the limited edition retro Clove shampoo that will be out in September. The shampoo’s bottle will also include 96 percent post-consumer recycled content.
Earlier this year Aveda ran a promotion from March to May, asking people to bring caps into stores, and offering free samples to anyone who brought in 25 or more caps.
Aveda has a long history of environmental concern, frequently changing packaging to reduce materials, make recycling easier and adding more post-consumer content. This year it also earned Cradle-to-Cradle certification for four ingredients.