Episode 266: Circular solar panels, 'Paris-aligned' carbon offsets
Plus, we chat with the Johnson Controls sustainability lead about inspiring climate action with employees and customers. Read More

Week in Review
Stories discussed this week (3:15).
- 10 Earth Week developments that bode well for climate tech
- United teams up with corporate America to ramp up sustainable fuels
- A circular approach to electrification and renewable energy
Inspiring change at Johnson Controls (19:15)
Katie McGinty, vice president and chief sustainability, government and regulatory affairs officer, chats about the process of building internal alignment for sustainability — including compensation plans and innovation strategy.
The significance of Papua New Guinea’s new carbon credits (34:30)
In March, the rainforest nation issued verified “Paris-compliant” credits for more than 9 million metric tons of carbon reductions. Kevin Conrad, executive director of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations, discusses this milestone, along with what’s next.
*Music in this episode by Lee Rosevere: “Curiosity,” “I’m Going for a Coffee,” “Old Regrets” and “Here’s the Thing”
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