Episode 267: Talking recommerce with Trove, mangrove musings
Plus, how Salesforce sustainability guru Patrick Flynn is motivating suppliers to get on board with science-based targets. Read More

Week in Review
Stories discussed this week (3:15).
- The 2021 proxy season: What’s on the menu?
- Carbon-sucking concrete is capturing attention and funding
- Inside Salesforce’s bold play for supply chain leadership
Much ado about mangroves (23:20)
Why this twist on a nature-based carbon solution is growing roots at companies from Gucci to Procter & Gamble; plus Apple and Conservation International develop a new mangrove carbon credit. Featuring Jen Howard, senior director of Conservation International’s blue carbon program.
The state of recommerce (33:00)
Trove is the company behind the garment resale programs at Patagonia, Levi’s, Eileen Fisher and REI. Andy Ruben, CEO and co-founder, drops by to chat about why projections for a $64 billion market may be underestimating the potential.
*Music in this episode by Lee Rosevere: “Curiosity,” “As I Was Saying,” “Sad Marimba Planet,” “And So Then” and “Night Caves”
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