Manufacturing Trade Shows to Highlight Sustainability
Canon Communications announced it will highlight sustainable practices at four of the country's biggest manufacturing trade shows this year. Read More
Canon Communications announced it will highlight sustainable practices at four of the country’s biggest manufacturing trade shows this year.
Canon Communications, which produces trade shows for the nation’s $1 trillion advanced manufacturing marketplace, will create a Green Manufacturing exposition at trade shows in Anaheim, Calif., Chicago, New York City and Charlotte, N.C.
Combined, the four events will bring together 6,000 international, national and regional suppliers as exhibitors, occupy 1,200,000 square feet of exhibition space, and attract more than 100,000 design and manufacturing professionals from nearly 45,000 advanced manufacturing facilities around the country.
“The critical mass and reach of Canon’s trade events allow us to effectively address industry issues like green manufacturing on a broad scale,” said the company’s CEO, Charles G. McCurdy. “No other event producer reaches so many advanced manufacturing specialists, both in the U.S. and in Europe and China.”
The Green Manufacturing exposition will showcase the software, materials, products, and technologies that enable manufacturers to achieve “Sustainable Manufacturing” — defined by the International Trade Administration as “the creation of manufactured products that use processes that are nonpolluting, conserve energy and natural resources, are economically sound, and safe for employees, communities and consumers.”
Some of the biggest players in manufacturing — including IBM, GE, Dupont, Toyota, BP, BASF, Apple and a host of others — have already begun greening their processes, giving those companies significant and measurable energy savings, reduced carbon emissions and new economically favorable recycling and waste treatment methods.
“Green manufacturing is a growing reality and we need to provide U.S. manufacturers with all the necessary information and tools to take advantage of the latest products and technology to improve their processes,” said Canon’s V.P. of Events, Kevin O’Keefe. “The economic benefit of going green is very tangible in terms of reducing energy costs, improving recycling and treatment methods, getting ahead of the regulatory curve, and building customer good will.”
Exhibitors at the Green Manufacturing exposition will include leading design software providers; materials suppliers; wind, solar, and renewable energy systems manufacturers; energy management software providers; emission treatment equipment providers; waste water treatment systems producers; industrial recycling equipment manufacturers; environmental R&D firms; consulting firms; and a range of related service providers.