Mapping Industry's Environmental Impact
The Economy Map charts the various ways major U.S. industries affect the environment. Read More
The Economy Map, a project by the former head of GreenBlue, gives businesses a way to see what impacts their industries and suppliers have on the environment.
Created by Jason Pearson, the previous president and CEO of sustainable design nonprofit GreenBlue, the Economy Map shows how much various sectors contribute to a range of impacts in the United States.
Users can switch between three displays for the data, and can look at industries’ direct impacts, upstream impacts, and how much impact is driven by consumer and government demand.
Although the Economy Map is primarily intended as a resource for public interest groups and policymakers, Pearson explains in a video that the value to businesses would be “to see at a glance where in my supply chain I may be unwittingly exposed to risk, because one or more of my raw materials are being purchased from sectors that are doing things that seriously damage environmental or human health.”
The Economy Map is a continual work in progress, with plans to add data from more recent sources. The Economy Map is currently based off of environmental data from 1998, published in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s “Sustainable Materials Management: The Road Ahead” report.
“Until the application is fully tested, we feel that the use of slightly outdated information is appropriate, since we discourage users from basing significant decisions solely on the output of Economy Map,” says Pearson in the FAQ section of the Economy Map site.
Impacts covered by the Economy Map include global warming impact, land use change, depletion of resources like copper, eutrophication, ozone depletion and impact of toxic substances on humans and the environment.