Google Data Center's Massive Energy Appetite

The amount of electricity that just one Google's data centers could use when it comes up to full power is enough to power the city of Oakland for almost four months. Read More


Microsoft’s Top 10 Business Practices for Environmentally Sustainable Data Centers

This paper presents the top 10 best business practices for environmentally sustainable data centers, submitted by senior members of Microsoft’s Global Foundation Services' Infrastructure Services team. Read More


Green IT Made Real

This report from Info-Tech and Nortel looks at how three companies are using green IT to deal with cost reductions, rising energy prices and environmental pressures. Read More

Citi's Frankfurt Data Center Earns First-Ever LEED Platinum Certification

From green roofs to heavily virtualized servers, the new facility uses 70 percent less energy than a typical data center its size, and makes use of free outside-air cooling almost two-thirds of the time. Read More

The Whys and Hows of Measuring Power in your Data Center

How much power your data center used has not historically been a major concern for IT managers; but with costs and environmental savings as a top of mind concern, there are some simple steps so you can measure -- and manage -- your facility's performance. Read More

Was the Chinese-Russian Power Grid Hack a Hoax?

Last week, the big news was that Chinese, Russian, and other hackers had invaded the U.S. power grid, and planted malware that could shut it down. But some commentators are saying that in fact, it may not have happened, and that it's all a bit of political theater performed as part of a cybersecurity power play by political insiders. Read More


A Strategy for ICT R&D and Innovation in Europe: Raising the Game

This report from the European Commission proposes a strategy to establish Europe's industrial and technology leadership in information and communication technologies (ICT), to make Europe more attractive for ICT investments and skills, and to ensure that its economy and society benefit fully from ICT developments. Read More


Green IT: Why Mid-size Companies Are Investing Now

This research from IBM and Info-Tech Research looks at adoption rates of virtualization, power management, asset management and a host of other green IT practices in more than a thousand medium-sized companies. Read More


Five Ways to Reduce Data Center Power Consumption

This white paper from the Green Grid outlines the ways that reducing energy use at the point of consumption (the server) provides benefits at all other levels by reducing load on power and cooling facilities which in turn reduces their own energy use. Read More

Think You Know Green IT? Take This Pop Quiz and Find Out

Think you're up to speed on Green IT and green computing? Here's a chance to test just how much you really know. Answer the following ten questions and then rate yourself from Know-Nothing to Maven. Read More