The week ahead in climate policy
A Senate hearing on community economic development; a briefing on tax credits for rural towns; DOE funding for coal communities, and a California assembly hearing on electricity regulations. Read More

A stained glass representation of the Seal of California. Image courtesy of Shutterstock/Cheri Alguire
Tuesday, March 12: The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works will hold a business meeting on a number of bills, including one to amend the Public Works and Economic Development Act, an act that would reauthorize the America’s Conservation Enhancement Act, and one that would establish an Office of Mountains, Deserts, and Plains within the EPA. The public works act would update and expand Federal economic development investment in the economic recovery, resiliency and competitiveness of communities, regions and states across the country.
Wednesday, March 13: The California State Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee will hold a regular session hearing to review three bills that cover mandated electricity service programs and requirements and building standards such as solar-ready requirements. In 2021, California passed unprecedented legislation to require all new homes and buildings to install electric heat pumps.
Thursday, March 14: The Environmental and Energy Study Institute is hosting a briefing regarding the implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in rural America. The hearing will look at barriers preventing small and rural communities, institutions and companies from accessing the tax credits available under the BIL and IRA.
Thursday, March 14: The Department of Energy (DOE) will hold an informational webinar about the application process for $425 million in funding to decarbonize and manufacture clean energy products in former coal communities. The funding will specifically support small and medium-sized manufacturers located in former coal communities.