Eastman 2023 Consumer Insights Report

When junior employees see “pls fix” in an email, they know to drop what they’re working on and jump on the latest, probably time-intensive request from the boss. Those requests are never quick, easy, or convenient. (“Pls fix” wouldn’t inspire memes if they were!)
When it comes to the plastic waste crisis and our world’s recycling system, the tables are turned. Gen Z and Millennials know the existing recycling system is broken, and they expect global companies to prioritize fixing it. They know the fix won’t be quick or easy — but there’s one type of technology they agree will make a difference.
Eastman’s latest consumer research delves into what these younger generations are looking for from your brand. Download the insights today to learn about your opportunities to connect with these consumers, fulfill your sustainability strategy, and help fix our world’s recycling system.