Recycling: From E-Waste to Resources

This report from the U.N. Environment Programme looks at the growth of e-waste generated by and sent to developing nations, and suggests ways to reduce the health and environmental impacts from discarded electronics.
Without comprehensive e-waste collection and recycling programs, the report says that developing countries will face “hazardous e-waste mountains, with serious consequences for the environment and public health.”
The report uses data from 11 developing countries to make estimates of the amount of e-waste currently generated, as well as projections about future growth. In South Africa and China, for example, the report predicts anywhere from 200 to 400 percent growth in discarded computers over 2007 levels by 2020, and 500 percent growth in India.
The biggest concerns about skyrocketing e-waste levels comes from the toxics embedded in the products, including lead, mercury and other chemicals, as well as unhealthy and environmentally damaging methods for dismantling electronics to recover the useful and valuable materials.
The report explains that much of the e-waste in China is handled improperly, often times through incineration by backyard recyclers. Burning electronics will release gold, platinum and other valuable materials, but also unleashes toxins on the environment and nearby residents.