
2015 EHS and Sustainability Software Buyers Guide

As a sponsor of the report, Enablon is proud to provide you with a complimentary copy of the National Association of Environmental Management’s (NAEM) 2015 EHS and Sustainability Software Buyers Guide. This bi-annual report analyzes how companies manage their EHS and sustainability: what companies’ data management needs are, how much they are spending on software systems, how they select their solutions, implementation challenges and more. Read More


Water Use Tops Climate Change as an Immediate Environmental Risk for Businesses

Water or Climate: What should be my priority? This is the big question that challenged Steelcase and Quantis to look further into the assessment of two important environmental impacts. Read More


Assessing the Critical Impact: Water Versus Climate Change

Water or Climate: What should be my priority? This is the big question that challenged Steelcase and Quantis to look further into the assessment of two important environmental impacts. Read More


Connected Buildings: A Disruptive New Approach to Building Management

Connected Buildings is an empowering approach to building technology in which disparate building systems are connected and controlled via a single operating system, utilizing best-in-breed advanced technology to control and monitor the building. Integrating multiple point solutions into a single connected environment enables system-wide decision making, execution and optimization. Read More


State of Green Business Report 2015

The 8th edition tells how companies around the world are, and aren't, moving the needle. Read More


5 Things That Drive Energy Managers Crazy (and how to prevent them)

What drives energy managers crazy? How about never being able to take a vacation or constantly getting asked to do the impossible? Read the white paper to find out what are the top 5 things that drive energy managers crazy, then get suggestions on how to prevent them and make an energy manager’s job that much easier.  Read More


Three Big Myths about Big Data: How Analytics can Optimize Enterprise-level Energy Management

GreenBiz Group partnered with Siemens Building Technologies in an extensive research study seeking to identify the impact of big data and advanced analytics when it comes to managing enterprise-wide building portfolios. The project included a quantitative survey of energy managers from large corporations, hospital systems, governments and educational institutions as well as in-depth interviews with 10 executives responsible for enterprise energy management at their organizations. Read More


Three Big Myths about Big Data: How Analytics can Optimize Enterprise-level Energy Management

GreenBiz Group partnered with Siemens Building Technologies in an extensive research study seeking to identify the impact of big data and advanced analytics when it comes to managing enterprise-wide building portfolios. The project included a quantitative survey of energy managers from large corporations, hospital systems, governments and educational institutions as well as in-depth interviews with 10 executives responsible for enterprise energy management at their organizations. Read More


Transforming Mindset from Compliance to Business Value

Explore how to transform your corporate mindset from being strictly compliance-focused to creating business value with environmental data – and the benefits that can follow. Successfully transforming corporate mindset surrounding the environmental function requires recognition that compliance performance is an integral component of business performance. Businesses can make the most of their investment in environmental data by asking the following questions: What data do we have? What data are we missing? What does the data tell us? What actions do we need to take? Read More


The Ultimate Guide to Air Emissions Management

The Ultimate Guide to Air Emissions Management will give you access to valuable information to comply with mandatory and voluntary air emissions regulations (Title V, NSPS, MACT, etc.), GHG emissions and oil & gas industry Subpart W regulation. You'll also receive real life examples of companies that achieved environmental compliance excellence. Read More