Driving Performance and Transparency in Green Building Products
In just a few short years, the use of environmentally preferable products and materials has become an essential element in the development and construction of new commercial and residential building projects. However, questions remain among manufacturers and buyers about just how to evaluate and compare the lifecycle-based environmental profiles of similar building products and materials. Read More
Creating Healthier Furniture and Building Materials by Minimizing Chemical Emissions
This UL white paper provides an introduction to IAQ issues in relation to furniture products and building materials, and discusses how certification programs support manufacturers’ efforts to substantiate legitimate claims for their products with a review of the causes and effects of poor IAQ, and the common types of VOCs that can adversely impact human health. Read More
Can You Save Millions with Sustainable Packaging Design?
That’s just what Puma, Kraft and Kimberly-Clark® did. Check out the expert advice in this free whitepaper - Five Steps to Sustainable Packaging from PE INTERNATIONAL. PE has worked with some of the most innovative brands to create award-winning, customer-engaging packaging, including Puma’s ‘Clever Little Bag’ and the Kraft ‘YES pack’.This whitepaper holds the key to realizing the value of sustainable packaging efforts in five easy steps: Read More
How HP achieves leadership in sustainable product footprinting at a fraction of the cost
In addition to HP’s commitment to designing more sustainable products, the company is also committed to transparency and disclosure about the footprint of their products. This case study outlines how HP developed a science-based and data-driven platform for product footprint assessments to guide product designers, meet and demonstrate compliance to powerful standards like EPEAT, and help customers identify reliable energy savings. Not only did their rapid LCA tool result in better products, it delivered an estimated $1 million in savings and hundreds of hours of time. Read More
Addressing Transparency Expectations in the Metals and Mining Sector
Are you a material supplier concerned with increasing demands for sustainability performance data? Or, are you a manufacturer wondering what raw materials suppliers are doing to demonstrate their sustainability performance? Here’s an article that looks at supplier transparency through the lens of the Metals and Mining industry. Broad lessons can be drawn about next steps for suppliers and the state of supply chain engagement for manufacturers. Read More
Energy Project Financing Cheat Sheet
We've updated our popular efficiency project finance cheat sheet to include the latest innovations in efficiency finance. Efficiency Performance Leases, Shared Savings Agreements, Commercial loans, PACE, ESAs, PPAs, and more… This cheat sheet explains the various types of financing vehicles available on the market and maps them to the best fit for different sized efficiency and/or distributed generation projects. Use this handy cheat sheet as a reference when discussing financing options for efficiency projects with your customer Read More
New Scope 2 Accounting Guidance: What it means for corporate decisions to purchase environmental instruments
New guidance on reporting Scope 2 emissions under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol is scheduled to be released later this year. The guidance will provide greater clarity and consistency about how businesses can account for their mixed portfolios of environmental instruments, including RECs and carbon credits, across their entire greenhouse gas emission reduction programmes. Read More
Sustainability Reporting for Commercial Real Estate: GRESB
Investors, regulators, and tenants increasingly demand transparency around the environmental and social impacts of the real estate they invest in, regulate, and occupy. Disclosure of non-financial (aka sustainability) data is the “new normal” - producing a complete, accurate sustainability report is now an essential business process. Read More
Addressing Transparency Expectations in the Metals and Mining Sector
Are you a material supplier concerned with increasing demands for sustainability performance data? Or, are you a manufacturer wondering what raw materials suppliers are doing to demonstrate their sustainability performance? Here’s an article that looks at supplier transparency through the lens of the Metals and Mining industry. Broad lessons can be drawn about next steps for suppliers and the state of supply chain engagement for manufacturers. Read More
Sustainability & Employee Engagement
The third edition of our employee engagement survey, created in partnership with the National Environmental Education Foundation. Read More