About the session

What’s covered

As climate change accelerates sea-level rise and deteriorates ocean health, California’s coastal communities, municipalities and corporations face unprecedented challenges. This session will explore the multifaceted costs of inaction and delve into successful community-driven initiatives and innovative planning methods. We’ll discuss the role of public-private partnerships in increasing adaptive capacity, delve into how the private sector can contribute to coastal adaptation and the burgeoning blue economy, and how to empower local decision-makers to take bold action.

This session brings together experts and leaders for a series of lightning talks followed by a panel discussion. Join us to be part of these vital conversations and leave with strategies to create a powerful network of collaboration among California’s leaders to safeguard our coastlines and oceans for the future.

Location Meeting Room 212A-C, Convention Center

Session type Lightning Talk, Panel

Tracks Buildings/ Cross Cutting/ Drawdown & Land Use/ Energy/ Industrial Decarbonization/ Startups/ Transport

Topics Leadership & Collaboration/ Resilience/ Water