Andrea Adams
Director, GHG Verification and Voluntary Audit
Andrea Adams is the Director of GHG and Voluntary Audit at EcoEngineers overseeing fuel pathway and transactions verification services offered under various low-carbon fuel programs across North America; California’s Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), Oregon’s Clean Fuel Program (CFP), and Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulation (CFR). She also oversees verification services offered in the voluntary carbon market through carbon registries, as well as custom audits. She has a B.S. in Geoscience from Southern New Hampshire University. She has participated in research related to rock and concrete pore networks, permeability, and weathering. As well as research into fracture propagation in materials of differing rheologies through analogue experiments to study structural deformation in rocks.
Ms. Adams brings a deep understanding of the complexities involved in verifying both renewable fuel and nature-based projects. She has supported more than 400 Validation and Verification projects, with specialization in RNG production from landfills, agricultural digesters, enhanced rock weathering, biochar, municipal wastewater treatment plants, hydrogen, biodiesel, ethanol, and renewable diesel.
Ms. Adams maintains her regulatory knowledge through continual research and review of industry regulations. She participates in and contributes to EcoEngineers’ ongoing audit training programs. She maintains certifications as a lead verifier under California LCFS, Oregon CFP, Canada CFR, and ISO 14064-3:2019 and ISO 9001:2015.