Megan Kalsman
Special Advisor for Environmental Implementation
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Environmental Protection Agency
Megan Kalsman has 9+ years of experience managing environmental programs in local governments, academia, businesses, and non-profit organizations. She specializes in advancing the procurement of low-carbon materials and informing the development and implementation of cross-sectoral climate policies that target embodied carbon. In her role at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as Embodied Carbon Advisor, she helps implement the Inflation Reduction Act’s embodied carbon programs including the Label Program for Low Embodied Carbon Construction Materials and EPD Assistance Grants. Megan’s past experience includes working as an embodied carbon policy researcher at the University of Washington’s Carbon Leadership Forum, and for the City and County of San Francisco and the County of San Mateo (CA) on toxic chemical reduction programs and pollution prevention policies. Megan completed her Master of Science degree at Lund University in Sweden in Environmental Management and Policy, and her undergrad degree at San Francisco State University in Environmental Science.