Here's a 'beautiful circular economy model' from emerging markets

Halt and catch fire? Not so much. Adam Minter wants to expand your thinking of electronics circularity for the environment and social good. Read More

Breaking the cycle with upcycled food

Four members of the Upcycled Food Association break down their biggest challenges making upcycled food mainstream. Read More

Inside Higg’s revolutionary new Product Module  

Can a new software platform achieve the goal of accelerating the circular economy? Read More

The circular economy meets decommissioned wind turbine blades

The current design makes blades difficult to recycle, but innovators are experimenting with ways to repurpose them for things such as playgrounds or to make them from different materials that can be reused at end of life. Read More

How circular thinking could ease inflation

Circular thinking is the ultimate exercise in long-term thinking and efficiency — a way to mine our past to fund our future. Read More

Investing in digital infrastructure to accelerate the circular economy

Sponsored: Digital technology, green financing and unique collaborations all play a critical role in accelerating the transition to the circular economy. Read More

Settling the score on reusable vs. recyclable cups

A fierce competition is underway at stadiums and arenas to be seen as the sustainable cup of choice. A new life-cycle analysis could help clear things up. Read More

Durability is back in fashion

More than 50 percent of consumers intend to make long term changes to their fashion consumption, aiming to buy less and make their clothing last longer. Read More