Food & Agriculture
Are commodity roundtables green gatekeepers or dirty doormen?
Commodity roundtables bring producers of soy, palm and other crops together with environmental organizations. But do they work? Read More
How can agriculture solve its $5.87 billion plastic problem?
The agricultural plastic market was valued at $5.87 billion in 2012, and while plastic is efficient for farmers, it also poses stark environmental problems. Read More
Algae industry moves beyond research to commercialization
Insiders agree that algae-based foods, fuels and other products will be price-competitive with their traditional counterparts by 2020. Read More
From Dow to Dunkin' Donuts, shareholders compel action on chemicals
Good news for food: donut giant agrees to remove nanomaterial, while Dow pledges increased disclosure on the impacts of a controversial herbicide. Read More
Small sustainable farmers struggle against Monsanto in Africa
As food scarcity issues gain traction around the world, Africa provides an example of how small-scale sustainable farmers can be threatened by much larger operations. Read More
Greening from the ground up at Hilton
In less than a year, new leadership has brought out the greenest in every department and made a Chicago hotel a more sustainable home away from home. Read More
The secret weapon to catalyze agriculture in Africa: Beans?
N2Africa teaches farmers to grow legumes, which fix plant-pleasing nitrogen in soil. That much-maligned hill of beans is both crop and fertilizer. Read More
Walmart, Cargill, Tyson, McDonald's join new sustainable beef roundtable
The newly created U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef aims to wrangle participants from across the supply chain to hash out issues related to sustainable beef — starting with what that even means. Read More
How Burger King’s ex-chairman grew a $10 million organic food business
Sweet Earth Natural Foods, founded by husband-and-wife team Brian and Kelly Swette, has scored high-profile deals with Target and Whole Foods. Read More
Exit Interview: Bob Langert, McDonald's
Last week, Bob Langert retired after 32 years at McDonald’s Corp., 27 of them heading the company’s sustainability operations. Here's some of what he did and learned, and the three things that made him stand out. Read More