Shuffling the deck: A resilience plan for Atlantic City
A research and design firm has a plan to remake Atlantic City's ailing economy to become a global center for research on resiliency. Read More
How Google, startups aim to help us breathe better
Scientists can’t be everywhere to measure air pollution. Thanks to these developments, they may not have to be. Read More
Amazon, NASA and what's holding the drone economy back
Unanswered safety and privacy questions, plus a lack of understanding about potential economic and environmental impact, has led to a need for serious air traffic control. Read More
How green are self-driving cars?
With promises of energy efficiency, optimal routing, and low-carbon power supplies, can driverless vehicles clean up the world's roads? Read More
5 lessons the building industry can learn from a Fitbit
How you collect building energy data — and more importantly, how you interpret it — is crucial for taking efficiency to the next level. Read More
Zipcar, Google and why the carsharing wars are just beginning
What happens when shared transportation, electric vehicles and self-driving cars converge? Automakers and rental car companies are racing tech companies like Google and Uber to find out. Read More
How to recruit for clean tech
A clean tech recruiter hopes her work will save you some headaches. Read More
From Budweiser to Miller, greening the Big Beer supply chain
Beer titans are investing in a range of agriculture- and water-focused programs to increase efficiency and cut operational risks. Read More
How tech will disrupt and decarbonize the economy
'SMARTer' technology will generate over $11 trillion by 2030 while reducing negative environmental impacts, a new report finds. Read More
Calculating your renewable energy potential? There's an app for that
How do you know how much renewable energy potential an area possess? One new smartphone app hopes to provide an answer. Read More