Why public opinion on climate change matters to business
It's not just what you do. It's what you say. Read More
3 ways real estate developers can stay ahead of climate change
The global real estate industry stands to face the brunt of a changing climate, but there ways to stem the tide. Read More
How to be a trusted messenger on climate change
Today, many of us have been personally harmed by climate change, although we might not recognize the cause. Read More
Why physicians are on the front lines of climate change care
As public health risks increase along with extreme weather, physicians find themselves in a unique position of prescribing climate action. Read More
Pinterest emerging as promising platform for green marketers
Its visual format allows companies to paint a compelling picture of green products and brands. Read More
Three ancestral traits that drive pro-environmental behavior
Certain human behaviors today reflect hardwired traits that helped our ancestors and their kin over time, some of which work against environmental interests. But a little rewiring by marketers can help change that. Read More
3 Lessons on Fulfilling on a Green Brand Promise
Why is it that consumers hold green brands to a higher standard than they do themselves? Read More
Can Flash Mobs Engage Consumers on Green?
The potential for random acts of spontaneous choreography to ignite sustainable brands. Read More
Eco-labels Impact Consumer Behavior
Eco-labels influence consumer behavior in two ways. First, they introduce green as a considered attribute at the point of sale. Second, they enable consumers to comparison shop based on green. Over the past few years, there have been many new eco-labels launched by governments, manufacturers and retailers. Many of these labels are listed on Consumer Reports’ Greener Choices site. Read More
A Look Back at Green Marketing in 2007
In retrospect, 2007 may be viewed as the year of the great awakening in the US regarding climate change. The mass media gets much credit for helping to foster awareness for the issue through film (eg, The Inconvenient Truth), broadcast (eg, Planet Earth), online content (eg, Live Earth) and star power (eg, Leonardo DiCaprio). Read More