A Look Back at Green Marketing in 2007
In retrospect, 2007 may be viewed as the year of the great awakening in the US regarding climate change. The mass media gets much credit for helping to foster awareness for the issue through film (eg, The Inconvenient Truth), broadcast (eg, Planet Earth), online content (eg, Live Earth) and star power (eg, Leonardo DiCaprio). Read More

In retrospect, 2007 may be viewed as the year of the great awakening in the US regarding climate change. The mass media gets much credit for helping to foster awareness for the issue through film (eg, The Inconvenient Truth), broadcast (eg, Planet Earth), online content (eg, Live Earth) and star power (eg, Leonardo DiCaprio). State and local initiatives confirmed grassroots support for action on climate change. And the year will end with a modest energy bill passed by Congress.
it is unlikely that the Bush administration will sponsor comprehensive
action on climate change during 2008, court decisions made in 2007 lay
the groundwork for doing so in the future.
leading brands awoke in 2007 to the realization that inaction on
climate change was no longer an option; by contrast, action could open
up myriad new opportunities.
Consumers today are much more concerned about climate change than they were even one year ago. Moreover,
they are expecting their favorite brands not only to share their
concern but to take action (or enable their consumers) to mitigate it.
Throughout all of this, the interest in green marketing continued to trend upward in 2007. In fact, according to Technorati Charts,
the average number of daily references to “green marketing” in the
blogosphere doubled from about 150 per day in 2006 to more than 300 per
day during the second half of 2007.
Source: Technoratic Charts; Data for the first half of 2007 was not available
interest in green marketing spiked considerably in late summer just as
reports of persistent drought in the Southeast (and Southwest) appeared
in the national media, and again during the fall when brushfires
scorched much of California. Additionally, late fall brought news from
the UN’s conference at Bali and legislative action on an energy bill in
Moreover, according to Google Trends, search volume for “green marketing” also continued to trend upward during 2007. Not
surprisingly, many marketing professionals spent 2007 trying to grapple
with whether the time was right to green their brand and marketing
communications, and if so, how to do it credibly.
Interestingly, green marketing continues to be an issue of global interest. In
fact, Google Trends reports that, on a relative basis, more searches
for “green marketing” originated from India than from any other country.
Rank |
Country |
1 |
India |
2 |
UK |
3 |
US |
4 |
Thailand |
5 |
Australia |
6 |
Canada |
7 |
China |
Traffic to the Marketing Green blog confirms the fact that green marketing is a global issue. A
recent Site Meter snapshot of site visitors based on referring location
indicates that a significant percentage of traffic originates outside
of Western Europe and North America.
Source: Site Meter, mid-December snapshot, last 100 visitors to site
Yet, when all is said and done, we end the year with much accomplished but even more work to be done. Today,
businesses are holding back on green product development because demand
for eco-friendly goods is still uncertain; companies are also putting
off more efficient capital investments while the regulatory environment is in flux. Moreover,
many companies find themselves afraid to even dip their toe in the
green marketing waters for fear that, despite good intentions, their
initiative will be perceived as greenwashing.
Consumer attitudes on green continue to evolve. Green today is still largely viewed as a personal virtue, rather than a societal norm. As such, consumers have yet to translate their concern into sustained changes in purchase behavior. Moreover,
standards for green products (not to mention marketing communications)
have yet to be adopted in most categories, leaving consumers to their
own devices to comparison shop.
Green marketers will play a crucial role in 2008 in multiple ways. Not
only will they influence the pace at which their companies adopt more
sustainable business approaches, but also the rate at which consumers
translate awareness into purchases. The stakes are high, as the potential impact of climate change becomes all the more real. Along the way, Marketing Green will continue to provide insights into the changing face of green marketing. See you in 2008.