Microplastics are filling the skies. Will they affect the climate?

Recent studies reveal that tiny pieces of plastic are constantly lofted into the atmosphere. These particles can travel thousands of miles and affect the formation of clouds, which means they have the potential to affect temperature, rainfall and even climate change. Read More

Solution or Band-Aid? Carbon capture projects move ahead

Long discussed but rarely used, carbon capture and storage projects — which bury waste CO2 underground — are on the rise globally. Some scientists see the technology as a necessary tool in reducing emissions, but others say it simply perpetuates the burning of fossil fuels. Read More

After a shaky start, airborne wind energy is slowly taking off

New companies are developing technologies, such as large kites, that can harvest wind energy up to a half-mile above ground. Read More

From fertilizer to fuel: Can 'green' ammonia be a climate fix?

Using renewable energy and a new method for making ammonia, researchers and entrepreneurs believe “green” ammonia can become a significant clean fuel source. Read More

Helping the global South track carbon emissions

In the wake of the Paris agreement, developing countries find themselves in need of analysts to monitor their emissions. An NGO steps forward offering online courses. Read More

How a rare metals shortage is impacting the future of green tech

A shortage of "rare earth" metals is hampering the growth of renewable energy technologies. Now, researchers are working to find solutions to the problem. Read More