10 Key Questions That Focus Suppliers on Sustainability
Why is there so much emphasis on lagging sustainability indicators? There are a number of widely used performance frameworks that use leading indicators to foster the long-range thinking that is so important in the world of sustainability. Read More
Debunking the Notion of a Triple Bottom Line
The triple bottom line should give way to monitoring and measurement methodology that can serve the many stakeholders that want to know what the TBL cannot deliver. Read More
Has Sustainability Become a Cliché?
In an earlier blog, Robert Pojasek spoke about environmental sustainability as an oxymoron. The "Google recognition index" registers more than 3,240,000 hits for environmental sustainability. "One has to wonder if the term sustainability is becoming a cliche," Pojasek now writes. "It is being applied to so many terms that it is in danger of becoming meaningless." Read More
Defining Sustainability
There are scores of different terms for something that many of us refer to as sustainability: corporate responsibility, sustainable development, corporate citizenship, environmental sustainability, corporate sustainability and green business. And there are hundreds of different definitions for the terms. Robert Pojasek offers guidance on defining sustainability — and making it operational — in the corporate world. Read More
Once is Not Enough: Continual Improvement is Essential to Sustainability
Improvement is a major ingredient in the process of attaining sustainability and has to be part of what every employee does every day — day in and day out, says Robert Pojasek, who offers advice on how to set those targets. Read More
Is Environmental Sustainability an Oxymoron?
When we learn about sustainability, it is usually characterized by the euphemism "the triple bottom line." Some people refer to this as the three pillars. Business sustainbility expert Robert Pojasek writes on the importance of all three responsibilities. Read More