Green construction practices could unlock this $1.5 trillion opportunity, study finds

Major emissions cuts and investment opportunities arise from shifting to greener materials and processes in construction and buildings, according to the World Bank's International Finance Corporation. Read More

These themes are the talk of green building professionals

Embodied carbon, building data and collaboration were the dominant themes last week at Greenbuild. Read More

Microplastics are filling the skies. Will they affect the climate?

Recent studies reveal that tiny pieces of plastic are constantly lofted into the atmosphere. These particles can travel thousands of miles and affect the formation of clouds, which means they have the potential to affect temperature, rainfall and even climate change. Read More

How can we design happy and healthy buildings fit for future generations?

Sponsored: Lone explores the benefits of a holistic approach to sustainable design, and how we can build a more sustainable future. Read More

3 ways the circular economy is vital for the energy transition

From recycling to materials reuse to circular design, these strategies can create valuable and profitable opportunities, too. Read More

The pipe dream of sustainable plastics

What would need to happen for plastic building products to be considered truly sustainable? Read More

Is wood the new concrete?

Companies looking for ways to reduce carbon emissions are turning to mass timber as a climate and building solution. Read More

How COVID is inspiring healthy, efficient buildings

Indoor air quality and sustainability measures may seem at odds, however it's clear the two objectives can be quite compatible. Read More

Interest in green chemistry is bubbling up, but progress slow to come

Organization and consumer demand for products that don’t harm people or pollute the environment are moving forward-thinking brands toward safer ingredients. Read More

How actor Michelle Pfeiffer championed the world's first circular fragrance line

The first C2C- and EWG-certified fragrances were made with a unique startup-nonprofit-corporate collaboration. Here's what that means for the cosmetics industry at large. Read More