Wal-Mart's Big Problem: Climate Change
There's a fundamental problem facing Wal-Mart and the rest of corporate America: How does a company get bigger without increasing its environmental footprint? Read More
Much as I’m an admirer of Wal-Mart’s ambitious sustainability goals,
and its efforts to achieve them, there’s a glaring problem with the
company’s “progress” to date that can be seen in the chart below.
When it comes to climate change–the defining environmental issue of of our era — Wal-Mart is moving in the wrong direction.
As Gwen Ruta of the Environmental Defense Fund, a Wal-Mart partner, writes in her frank assessment of the company’s 2009 sustainability report,
the problem is that all the good things that Wal-Mart is
doing — increasing its use of renewable energy, driving efficiency in
individual stores, improving its fleet operations and pushing up its
recycling rate — are offset by the fact that the company is adding more
stores and selling more stuff.
So although WMT’s greenhouse gas emissions per unit of sales is
decreasing (the bars on the right), its overall carbon footprint is
growing (the bars in the middle).
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Wal-Mart executives have a sophisticated response to this; they’ve
told me that if the company takes market share away from other, less
efficient retailers, it could actually be increasing its own emissions
while reducing emissions in the aggregate because people are buying
less stuff from its competitors. Certainly that’s possible.
If the Earth’s atmosphere could speak, it would tell us that it
doesn’t care about efficiency or renewables or recyling — or market
share. It cares about absolute emissions of the greenhouse gases that
cause global warming.
The trouble is, Wal-Mart hasn’t figured out how to get bigger and
smaller at the same time. Bigger: more revenues and profits. Smaller: a
reduced environmental footprint.
This a fundamental problem facing not just Wal-Mart, but all of corporate America. Until we solve it, we’re in trouble.
Image CC licensed by Flickr user jason.mundy.