About the session

What’s covered

DOE has more than $97 billion available in investments to commercialize, demonstrate, and deploy clean energy technologies through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. But navigating government funding can feel daunting, complicated and inaccessible.

This workshop demystify the process, featuring DOE experts who will outline funding opportunities and illuminate the path forward for companies interested in exploring them. Attendees will gain insights into their eligibility, best-fit funding mechanisms, and how to effectively partner with the government to accelerate commercialization, demonstration and deployment of impactful clean energy technologies.

Among the programs covered will be the Inflation Reduction Act, Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA), Prizes, Partnership Intermediary Agreements (PIAs), and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants.

Location Meeting Room 212A-C, Convention Center

Session type Workshops

Tracks Buildings/ Carbon Markets/ Drawdown & Land Use/ Energy/ Industrial Decarbonization/ Startups/ Transport

Topics Finance/ Policy & Regulation