About the session

What’s covered

The AI revolution has sparked a race to build enough data centers to meet the demand, which has given rise to intensifying concerns about the resulting impact on environmental goals. Data center development needs to balance the unique demands of data center climates while minimizing negative impact to local communities, and cooling solutions are increasingly part of the conversation. 

Join experts in water and energy management, data center solutions, and sustainable design as they  bring fresh perspectives to an increasingly urgent conversation with insights from a white paper that challenges the illusion of Zero Water solutions and conventional thinking about the most optimal way to manage data center climates, inside and outside the facilities.

This session is sponsored by Madison Air. Sponsored breakouts are sponsor-created and hosted sessions, created independently by the sponsor without input from Trellis. Please note that attendee contact information will be shared with the sponsoring company.

Location Meeting Room 210A, Convention Center

Session type Breakout

Tracks Buildings/ Sponsored

Topics Buildings/ Leadership & Collaboration/ Water