Think You Know Green IT? Take This Pop Quiz and Find Out

Think you're up to speed on Green IT and green computing? Here's a chance to test just how much you really know. Answer the following ten questions and then rate yourself from Know-Nothing to Maven. Read More

Windvertising Enables Companies to Put Ads on Turbine Blades

Are you looking for a creative way to advertise your business? How about using wind turbine blades to send your message? That may be possible thanks to a company called WePOWER, which earlier this week launched its Windvertising media platform. Read More

Sun Microsystems Opens a New Green Datacenter

Sun Microsystems cut the ribbon on its largest green IT project, a revamped and consolidated datacenter that is expected to slash electricity costs by $1 million a year, reduce CO2 emissions by 11,000 metric tons annually, shrink the company's carbon footprint by 6 percent and save 675,000 gallons of water each year. Read More


Defining, Estimating and Forecasting the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Industries in the U.S. and Colorado

This report estimates and forecasts the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries for the U.S. and Colorado, including definition, current size and composition and expected growth under three policy scenarios. Read More

Air New Zealand Completes Biofuel Test

The airline conducted a two-hour flight using conventional jet fuel mixed with fuel based on the jatropha plant. Read More

Will Your Data Center Have to Pay a Carbon Tax?

One of the centerpieces of President-elect Obama's energey plan is a cap-and-trade program designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050. That means that enterprise may eventually have a cap put on the amount of greenhouse gases they emit, and would have to pay if they wanted to exceed those emissions. Would that mean you'll have to pay what amounts to a carbon tax for an inefficient data center? Read More

Japan's Top 8 Emerging Green IT Technologies

The country's leading tech companies showcased their innovations and green strategies at the recent CEATEC electronics show. Read More

The Top Green Computing Stories of 2008

The past year has brought a sea change in the world of IT, with big changes underway in every aspect of computers' lifecycles, as well as increasing awareness of the power of the computer age to address larger environmental issues. Read More

Radio Station K-TAO Broadcasts with Solar Power

Many companies are only now discovering the wonders of solar energy, but New Mexico radio station KTAO has been broadcasting with help from the sun since 1991. Read More


Accenture’s Data Center Energy Forecast Report 2008

This consolidated report is the first of its kind to evaluate the EPA's data center energy growth scenarios using the real results of energy savings as measured from the case studies from industry leaders. Read More