25 under 25 to watch in sustainable business
Coca-Cola, Rolls Royce, BNY Mellon: Meet the next generation of leaders. Read More

This contest was conducted by 2degrees. The results are reprinted here with permission.
The age of 25 is an interesting one.
It is usually around this time, having dipped a toe in the world of work, that things start to click; you have more clarity as to who you are and what you want to do with your life.
I got my first job in environmental journalism just before my 25th birthday and things started to click right away. I realized that I’d fallen into a field that I adored and probably would spend many years involved with in some way, shape or form.
This realization was aided by a lively encounter with the late, great Interface legend Ray Anderson; my “Al Gore Moment,” as I call it, was complete.
Now, I’ve gotten the chance to engage with some of today’s brightest, most passionate and staggeringly brilliant under-25-year-olds as part of the inaugural 2degrees New Generation project — and I’m delighted to reveal our top 25.
We spent hours poring over the submissions of more than 70 young people currently making a difference in organizations across the planet. We read their blogs, scanned their LinkedIn pages and carried out a range of interviews. Most important, we asked for testimonials and recommendations about these wonderful people.
It’s been a fascinating process, and we were floored by the quality of the stories, passion, level of influence and results being achieved by this group; picking a top 25 was no mean feat.
But we made it, and here are the winners. For more information about each of them, visit this website:
Alice Jennison — The one getting directors out of the boardroom and volunteering
Environment advisor and community investment coordinator, Skanska
Stephi Brett — The one transforming communities around the globe
Vice president of international community affairs, BNY Mellon
Tarik Cheaib — The one driving human development via engineering
Sustainability and building physics engineer, Buro Happold
Chloe Dupont —The one monetizing water risks for companies around the globe
Development manager of water risks and opportunity, Veolia
Oliver Light — The one getting creative with Big Data
Consultant, Carbon Credentials
Lauren Ing — The one making cities better places to live and work
Consultant, Accenture
Michael Li — The one finding real solutions for sustainable buildings
ESD engineer, AECOM
George Young — The one who quit stockbrokering to work in energy efficiency
Bid coordinator, UK Energy Partners
Ragnar Martens — The one who calls it like it is
Co-founder and project coordinator, RootAbilitybr>
Hannah Hayward — The one who fast-tracked to regional manager in just 12 months
Regional sustainability advisor, BAM
Dee Wood — The one who does it all
Managing director, ItDoesTheJob.com
Philip Cocoman — The one who jetsetted to Atlanta and London
Procurement-supplier sustainability, Coca-Cola
Meaghan Krohn — The one who quit consulting, went traveling and landed a role as a climate fellow
Corporate sustainability fellow, EDF
Rachael Everard — The one that’s a driving force for Rolls Royce sustainability
Global sustainability analyst, Rolls Royce
Mollie Ruth — The one with the world-changing attitude
Environmental Engineer, TRC Solutions
Jen Hickling — The one who jumped from zoologist to carbon capture
Paradigm shifter & energy business analyst, Pale Blue
Amir Hossein Rahdari — The one making it happen in Iran
Researcher and consultant, CSR International
Connor Hill — The one making his way up the Plan A hierarchy
Sustainability manager, Marks and Spencer
Cassia Oliveira Moreas — The one connecting the dots between government, business and NGOs
Director, Columbia University Coalition for Sustainable Development
Jonathan Mitchell — The one boosting sales for ethical menswear
Founder and director, Brothers We Stand
Dhawal Mane — The one transforming India’s textiles sector
Assistant manager of sustainable initiatives, Pratibha Syntex
Robert Rosenberg — The one making sense of sustainability for financial services
Corporate sustainability supervising executive, EY
Ilan Havinga — The one developing products that are accessible for all
Responsible Business Executive, Sky
Claudia Szerakowski — The one making data analysis cool
Environmental & sustainability analyst, United Technologies Corporation
Lauren Rowe — The one normalizing green behavior
Sustainability engagement coordinator, UNITE Students