Episode 118: Wells Fargo banks on cleantech, Harvard's new curriculum; debating sustainable transportation
In this week's edition, we mull electric and self-driving vehicles, catch up with the Ocean Conservancy's CEO and find out what's on the agenda for a new online sustainable business strategy course. Read More

Week in Review
Tune in around 6:00 for a weekly roundup of news.
Why this innovator thinks the car of the future will be open source
Meet the company that singlehandedly halved one country’s CO2 emissions
Featured stories
1. Clean transportation gains momentum (18:30)
Even though progress in Washington, D.C., seems to have stalled, pilots involving electric and autonomous vehicles are accelerating, especially in California. John Boesel, president and CEO of advocacy group CALSTART, discusses the shift from policy discussions to real progress. Plus, why the conversation isn’t limited to single-passenger cars.
2. Harvard preaches sustainability (25:25)
The university’s legendary business school just added a three-week, online certification course in sustainable business strategy; the first cohort for HBX’s Sustainable Business Strategy session is in June. Professor Rebecca Henderson chats with Heather Clancy about the curriculum.
3. Catching up with the Ocean Conservancy (35:57)
Audio highlights of Managing Editor Elsa Wenzel’s interview with CEO Janis Searles Jones, who celebrated her one-year anniversary at the helm of the NGO in March. Top of mind: the plastics problem.
4. Seeking carbon emissions reduction solutions (45:55)
The late Charles David Keeling was the first scientist to begin methodically measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, from a laboratory high atop the Mauna Loa volcano on Hawaii’s “Big Island.” A new competition aims to identify solutions and approaches for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and for drawing down existing levels of carbon. Here are more details.
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