202 sessions
Roundtable Lunches
Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Alex Wilkins
Amelia Marinai (Trellis Group)
Brianne Cangelose
Calvin Tran (American Forest Foundation)
Charles Boakye (Jefferies)
Chris Dowd
Dimitry Gershenson
Doug Miller ( Energy Peace Partners)
Elias Ayrey
Esther Morales (Clean Energy Leadership Institute)
Gina Ciganik
John Holm (Pyxera Global)
John O'Neill
Jonathan Lane (US Department of Energy)
Laura Dyer
Maura Maguire
Micha Ben-Naim (Clean Energy Ventures)
Morganne Sigismonti (Trellis Network)
Nandini Wilcke (CarbonPool)
Richard Hart (The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE))
Ross McKenzie (Elimini)
Victoria Chames (Trellis Group)
Roundtable Lunches
Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Aly Bryan
Deepa Lounsbury
Emilie Mazzacurati
Gianni Spinelli (Elimini)
Janelle Kellman
Laurie McGinley (Via Lucent)
Lillian Kasa (Metlen Energy & Metals)
Luke Mendenhall (EcoAct North America)
Matthew Borden (EcoAct, North America)
Megan Fraser (Future Led)
Nikhil Gargeya (Activate)
Nikki Arnone (Inflection Point Agency)
Nisha Thirumurthy (VybeEnergy)
Olya Irzak
Ruth Checknoff
Sam Cote (Solstice)
Sotiria Anagnostou
Steph Hallinan (U.S. Green Building Council)
Steven Rothstein (Ceres)
Susannah Hill (Cloud Sustainability Watch)
William Theisen (EcoAct)
Interactive Breakout
Energy Innovations: Conversations on Emerging Technologies
Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024
3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Brent Ridley (ARPA-E)
Chris Eiben (Perlumi)
Daniel Kopp (Queens Carbon)
Elliot Chang (Lithos Carbon)
Jane Franch (Pivot Bio)
Kiana Michaan (Okovate Sustainable Energy)
Lucy Darago (XGS Energy)
Neal Donnelly (Rondo)
Quinn Nakayama (Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E))
Ross McKenzie (Elimini)
Theresa Christian (DOE Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations)
Zachary Berquist (ARPA-E)